Essential algorithms for the coding interview

- 1 min

Hello everyone,

I am excited to announce the release of my new/first book, “Essential algorithms for the coding interview.”, which has been self-published through Amazon KDP.

Who is this book for?

This book is designed to help software engineers and computer science students prepare for technical interviews by providing a comprehensive guide to essential algorithms and data structures.

What is the structure of the book?

This book is a concise, informative resource that contains 11 main chapters, each covering a different type of coding problem. For each problem, it provides detailed explanations of the algorithms and data structures needed to solve it, followed by a detailed solution with expositions, graphs, and step-by-step executions to help readers understand and apply the concepts.

Here is the table of contents:

  1. Introduction.
  2. First Bad Version (Binary Search).
  3. Valid Parentheses (Stack).
  4. Valid Palindrome (2 pointers).
  5. House Robber (Recursion).
  6. Combination Sum (Backtracking).
  7. Lowest Common Ancestor (Binary Trees).
  8. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (Tree and BFS).
  9. Course Schedule (Graphs).
  10. Minimum Window Substring (Sliding Window).
  11. Merge k Sorted Lists (Heaps).
  12. Soduku Solver (Backtracking).
  13. Afterword.

Where to find the book?

You can find it on all Amazon marketplaces like:

Thank you for your interest, and I hope you find this book helpful!


Ricardo Pallas

Ricardo Pallas

λ Software Engineer

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